Community Updates

Preparing for Worship: A Transformative Celebration

Drew Billups
July 22, 2022

         Note: Sunday worship at 10:15 AM
                   In-person worship and live stream

Hello Grace Family,

In 2004, Sara and I moved to Seattle and founded an intentional Christian community with three other couples. It lasted for two years.

Of course, you don’t need to live in an intentional community to experience what God has for us to learn through connection and fellowship with sisters and brothers in Christ. But, some form of embodied and committed community life is central to the Christian life.

This is where we learn interdependence, how to love our neighbors as Jesus taught. It is how we come to internalize that we are not at the center of the story. Christian community is the laboratory where we learn neighbor-focused self-sacrifice and is the practice through which we gain the eyes to see God in our neighbor.

Originally, John had asked me to share for 3-5 minutes about my story and hopes as I transition into this new role of Assistant Pastor at Grace. But then, last Sunday he tossed out the possibility of me preaching this week on Acts 2 and the story of community life that we found there. Given my history, I was eager to share.

This Sunday I will share brief remarks on my thoughts of becoming your pastor. And then we will go to the scriptures together as I preach a sermon on Acts 2.

We'll look at four questions to the text of Acts 2:42-47:
Who were these people?
What was their posture toward “outsiders”?
How did this happen?
Is this for real?

And we will see, as Luke likes to highlight throughout his writing, the Holy Spirit empowers us for the work of loving each other in community.

I look forward to gathering with you all in worship this Sunday!

This Sunday: Acts 2:42-47 (NIV) and Acts 4:32-37 (NIV)
           “A Transformative Celebration"
Here is the Order of Worship.

Warmly in Christ,

Drew Billups