Community Updates

Grace Midweek Updates

Grace Office
April 11, 2023

As a congregation that is new to Anglicanism, we took the opportunity this year to dig deeper into the riches of this tradition. During Holy Week, time slows down as we retrace Jesus' last days, his crucifixion, and his resurrection. By not jumping ahead to the resurrection and by-passing our grief and pain, we can become more strongly rooted and connected with Jesus and more present to our own lives.

Good Friday worship service, homily is here.
Holy Saturday worship service.
Easter worship service (including 3 baptisms!), homily is here.

Serving the City (STC) Partner Lunch. The last STC partner lunch is next Sunday 4/23! Get to know more about World Relief and learn about the people that they serve. This lunch is an effort to create more awareness of the work of STC. We will gather at the Layne at 12:30 and the events will last approximately 90 minutes. Food will be provided, please RSVP by emailing Drew with any food restrictions so that we can plan accordingly. We hope to see you there!

Christian Formation Classes take place this week! There are 5 classes left this ministry year. They will take place on April 16, May 14, & May 21, June 4, & June 11. We typically meet the first 3 Sundays of each month. However, due to the Retreats & Easter, we have fewer classes this Spring. See the calendar for more details.

Youth Retreat. This year at our Spring Youth Retreat, we'll explore the freedom that comes not from being our own, but belonging to a gracious and loving God. All 6th - 12th graders are invited to join us Friday, April 21 - Sunday, April 23 as we stay at an airbnb in Cle Elum! Cost per student is $50. Please register here by Tuesday, April 18.

Men's Retreat. We hear numerous and often conflicting messages on what it means to be a man. Because we understand ourselves best in the context of relationships, we hope you'll join us as we consider together the uniqueness of what it means to be sons, brothers and fathers at this year’s Men’s retreat at Rainbow Lodge, May 5-7.Cost to attend the whole weekend is $240 for a shared room, $320 for a single room (limited availability, first come, first served) with an option to attend on Saturday only for $100 or one night only for $190. Scholarships are available. Register to attend and see more details here. The registration deadline is April 27 at 5 PM.

Engaging Homelessness Seminar. Union Gospel Mission will be presenting on engaging homelessness on May 15, 6:30-8 PM at Grace. Please RSVP here and contact Drew with any questions.

Young Adults Lunch. Join other young adults in our community as we gather for lunch every Sunday at the Halls at 12:30 PM. Please contact Nelson if you have any questions. Not sure if you qualify as a young adult? Great! Join us! No RSVP needed.Please note: We will not have an official gathering the Sunday of the Youth Retreat (April 23) or the Sunday of the Men's Retreat (May 7). Young adults are still encouraged to meet informally elsewhere!

Sunday Morning Prayer Group. We have felt a steady and growing prompting from God to pray regularly for our congregation and the work God has given us to do. A group is now gathering during Christian Formation Hour to pray to God for his transforming and healing kingdom to spread in us and through us. For questions, please contact Darik Taniguchi.

Women in Ministry Leadership. Our congregation is in a time of learning, prayer, and discernment with regards to whether or not women can and should be ordained to the priesthood.

C4SO Racial Reconciliation Resources. Listen to part 1 of C4SO's Race and Justice Training! Speakers Dennae Pierre, Efrem Smith and the Rev. 7:9 Task Force shared insights into creating courageous space for difficult conversations, bridging the gap between aspirations and reality, handling diversity in staffing and much more.

Soul Care Seattle. Grace is blessed to partner with Soul Care Seattle, an urban retreat and spiritual direction ministry on Capitol Hill.  They have many different opportunities to grow your relationship with God.

Blessings to you,

Grace Office

Weekly Calendar at a Glance
Sun 04/16 Christian Formation Hour @ 9 AM, Worship @ 10:15 AM